Saturday 28 July 2012

So it begins

This year my partner proposed to me. We'd known for a few months that we wanted to be with each other for the rest of our lives and raise a family together. I'd mentioned that maybe I would propose to him on 29th February. Instead, he met me outside a petshop after I'd been grocery and blurted out  "I love you,  I want you to be my wife, marry me". 
Ok, so it's not the traditional down on one knee, in a 'romantic' setting proposal of Hollywood dreams. But, actually, the words meant the most. I'm not a wallflower, but a proposal in front of lots of people would feel slightly embarrassing for me. This was just the two of us and it was so unrehearsed, so genuine and so heartfelt. 
We told our parents and sisters. And then carried on as usual. We announced it, in that etiquette killing way, via facebook as it seemed the best way to reach everybody else all at once. I know some people consider this very bad manners, but we loved getting all those messages in one go. 

And so now, we set out down the road of planning the wedding. This blog is not setting out to be a wedding planning journal, I can't imagine anyone is especially interested in my feelings on flowers or whatever. Although I do hate chair covers. A lot.  It's more a place to ponder, mull and debate the insanity, not of wedding planning itself, but societal constructs of wedding planning, the concept of Bridezilllas, the patriachy and consumerism in wedding days. Plus you know, dealing with relatives.